Simplified Approach.
Excellent Service.
Great Truck Insurance.

Get the coverage you need at a fair price.

How It Works

Submit Your Information

We need basic information about your business to get started.  Typical information needed to obtain an accurate rate include (but not limited to):  vehicle information, driver(s) information, loss history, years in business, radius of operation, garaging location of trucks, etc.

We Search for the Best Carrier

Because we do business with a number of national truck insurance carriers, we'll find the policy that offers the most competitive rate and the most comprehensive coverage for your trucking business.

Purchase Your Customized Policy

After selecting the best policy for your business, we can take payment by credit card or an electronic draft.  In many cases, coverage can be bound the same business day, allowing you to keep your trucks on the road.

Contact Us

Get Pricing on Your Trucking Business

Truck Insurance Exchange

Carmel, Indiana, United States

(800) 922-1485


Monday - Friday: 8am - 8pm